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Sentence Rephraser vs. Article Rewriter What to Use to Eliminate Plagiarism?

Sentence rephraser and article rewriters are two popular tools used today by content writers, all parties related to the writing fraternity.

Most people think that both of these tools are exactly similar to each other, but this is not true.

If you don’t know anything about the difference between the sentence rephraser and the article rewriter, then you need to read this post.

What Is a Sentence Rephraser?

Sentence rephraser tool is a powerful utility that uses artificial intelligence and advanced algorithms to rephrase a sentence in seconds.

The rephraser changes specific words with synonyms, and it also changes the voice/structure of the sentence.

The sentence rephraser restates the sentence in such a way that its original message doesn’t get compromised.

The rephrased content is free of plagiarism and similarities.

How Does the Sentence Rephraser Work?

Don’t know how to rephrase sentences with a rephraser? Well, don’t worry; the process is quite simple and straightforward.

The sentence rephraser would have an input box in which users can write down sentences that they want to rephrase.

The tool also allows users to upload documents from their systems.

Once the sentence rephraser gets the input text or files, it scans the sentences and analyzes their context.

The sentence would be rewritten, and words would be replaced with synonyms.

The new sentences would appear in the output box. The sentence rephraser tool is generally used to remove plagiarism from sentences originally written by a writer.

Benefits of Using the Sentence Rephraser Tool

Here are some of the advantages you can enjoy while using the sentence rephraser:

  • The sentence rephraser can help paraphrase wordiness from sentence/s. 

  • The tool can be used to remove plagiarism from one or multiple lines.

  • The sentence rephraser can replace uncommon words with meaningful synonyms.

  • The quality of a hard-to-read sentence can be improved with the sentence rephraser.

  • Sentence rephraser can save a lot of time and effort wasted in manual paraphrasing.

What Is an Article Rewriter?

An article rewriter is also known as essay rewriter, as the name tells us, is a utility that is used to rewrite complete articles or essay.

The online article rewriter tools also use artificial intelligence and advanced bots to rewrite content.

The rewrite tool states passages, sentences, and words in an entirely different way to create a new and unique article.

Manually rewriting complete articles can be a time taking task, which is why article rewriter tools are preferred.

These tools can create new posts without any human help and hurdles. 

How Does the Article Rewriter Work?

The working procedure of the article rewriter is quite similar to that of the sentence rephraser.

Here you have to write down or paste the complete article in the input box. After providing input, you have to click on the ‘rewrite’ button and wait for the results.

The article rewriter uses AI and ENL technology to understand the original idea/key points in the input article. On the basis of the context of the input, the rewriter would recreate a new post.

The output article would be different and free of duplication.

Benefits of Using Article Rewriter

Out of dozens of benefits, we have listed the most important ones:

  • The article rewriter tool can be used to create a new post with duplicate input.

  • One can easily repurpose old articles in seconds with the article rewriters.

  • Article rewriter tools can remove plagiarism from your original posts.

  • Article rewriters can help users rewrite content in different languages.

  • With the help of an article rewriter, new content capital can be created with no time and effort.

Now that you know about the working and benefits of both the sentence rephraser and the article rewriter, it is important that you know which option is best for eliminating plagiarism from your content.

Which Tool Is Best for Removing Plagiarism from Content?

Plagiarism refers to stealing and taking credit for content/ideas that originally belonged to another writer/author.

This act is considered to be unethical and illegal in the content-writing world, which is why it is important to avoid it at all costs.

Now, if you are wondering which tool you should use to eliminate plagiarism from your content, then know that both the sentence rephraser and the article rewriter can be used for this purpose but in different situations.

In case you have found minor traces of plagiarism in content that you have created yourself, then it is best that you use a sentence rephraser.

You can copy the lines which have been highlighted by the plagiarism checker and paste them in the input box of the sentence rephraser.

The tool would specifically change those lines/words which have plagiarism in them.

This way, other parts of your article would not be compromised/altered.

But if you are copying content in bulk from another source or have found more than 20% plagiarism in your article, then it is best that you use the article rewriter and spin it completely.

The rewriter would change almost every part of your post and would get you a unique output.

This way, you can generate a unique article and eliminate the chances of plagiarism. 


We have discussed both the sentence rephraser and article rewriter in this post. In conclusion, we would say that both tools can be used to remove plagiarism from any piece of content.

A sentence rephraser is best for rewriting sentences, whereas the article rewriter helps you create completely unique articles in a short time. 

The working of these tools is well in their respective purposes, but we feel like the online sentence rephraser has the edge over the article rewriter.

This is because the sentence rephraser doesn’t compromise the original idea/context of the sentence like the article rewriter does.